Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Driving

As in - no weekend driving. For three weekends in a row, the rental car has remained parked from Friday after work to Monday morning. It is possible for me to take the regional train to work and many people do, but my hours are often unpredictable so using the car to get to work, while not necessary or in the best interests of of the environment, is a concession to convenience. The picture of the car is not mine, but it is the same kind of car I drive; an Open Vectra "Combi" (station wagon) with a 1.9 liter diesel engine. I haven't checked the mileage, but I can drive the 40 or so miles from Leipzig to Solar Valley back and forth all week on a tank of gas.

It's pretty cool being able to accomplish grocery shopping, going to the post office, even taking a day-trip like last week to Torgau, all without the danger, expense and environmental damage of driving a car.

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