Sunday, November 23, 2008


November has been very difficult at work. A corner has been turned however and it should be easier from here. The last few weekends one or another kid is either at a friend's house for a sleepover or someone comes here. This weekend Julian spent Friday and Saturday night at his friend Max's house and the girls had the two friends in the picture over Friday night for a sleepover.

Diana and I escaped Friday night for a nice dinner at a nearby Greek restaurant. We continue to love our new flat; it's a lot more comfortable than the old one. Got in a little nap today and now time for the next work-week to begin. We're all looking forward for our two week holiday over Christmas.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Das Wochenende (The Weekend)

The girls dispersed here and there for the weekend. Actually Anissa and her friend Natalie spent Friday night and Saturday here at the new apartment and Sierra went to a friend's house by tram and train. We didn't have time for a full photo shoot but here are a few of Anissa and Natalie - they want me to do a real shoot sometime in the future.

Der Verfall (The Decay)

Here's another excellent video by You Tube user Plembem that shows some of the deteriorated side of Leipzig.

Leipzig has been known at times as "The Little Paris" and the part of town we reside in sometimes called "A little piece of Venice" - complete with Gondola canal boats. Clearly the city has extraordinary beauty and is in overall resurgence. But this video shows some of the work that remains.

Be sure to "Leipzig bei Nacht" below this post to see the resurgent side of Leipzig.

Leipzig bei Nacht (Leipzig at Night)

Here's a sweet little video I found on YouTube that gives you the opportunity to do a virtual night tour of Leipzig. Credit is to the You Tube user "Plembem" for this video.