The picture in this post was taken at dusk with my camera phone and was quite blurry. I post-processed it some more to make it painterly. It has nothing to do with today's post.
A Russian opera singer has taken the flat above ours. His wife, a choir director, and daughter and son are coming to Leipzig as soon as their paperwork clears. He practices at home, so things could get musical around here pretty quickly.
He has a 14 year old daughter and a 10 year old son and his wife. So maybe all the kids will hit it off.
Taking Julian to the massive games convention tomorrow at the "Messe" which is an expo center. So I'm sure there will be adventure in that.
1 comment:
Just before I read your blog (about five minutes before actually) I was reading this article:
It talked about the convention you will be going to! There is a controversy with one of the games dealing with 9/11.
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