Well folks, it's been a long dry spell on the Bohland Family in Leipzig blog. There would be more, but the work - and rest - schedules just haven't allowed it. This week however there are photos galore from our three day - two night jaunt to Prague in the Czech Republic. If the Germans are sometimes socially challenged, the Czechs are surely socially gifted.
I guess if 60% of your economy is based on tourism, you learn to be friendly. And friendly they were. From the driver hired by our guest house to collect us at the train station to the wait staff in the restaraunts to the laughter in the streets late at night, we enjoyed the pleasant contrast. I'd highly recommend this beautiful old world city to anyone that can make the trip. As they always say.....more later - for now enjoy the slide show (and if you click on the images I think you can view the pictures at higher resoultion in their Web gallery.) Enjoy!
This Blog is Dormant
Just brief note: I don't think there will be many updates here in the
future. Facebook is where I do my online communicating now. Please follow
me there if...
7 years ago